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About the Artist

Tiffany is currently a Kansas based artist. Working in illustrative and detail-oriented works to create a meditative and inviting experience for herself and the viewer. Her works encompassed different spectrums of art from non-subjective abstraction to more architectural and detailed subject matter. 

Current Work

Above the Fog

An urban landscape of the world's architectural marvels shrouded in a fog of sorts that distorts the surroundings and the marvels themselves. Much like the different cultural and language differences and sometimes barriers that doesn't always give travelers a clear view of their destination; the fog creates the same barrier. However, there is still a mutual respect and wonder in the universal marvel of architecture.


Phillip & Co. Lookbook

 A constantly evolving series that is created from each seasons fashion trends that are then manipulated and drawn onto a series of different illustrated taxidermy animals. The evolution beginning with the original character "Phillip the Dead Dapper Rat" and a passion for menswear and how it can be manipulated and hold a different feel depending on the wearer.


 2015 -- BFA with a Minor in Psychology and a Certificate in Arts Engagement - University of Kansas

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